Väx med Avarda
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Avarda är specialister inom betalningar på nätet och i butik. Vi hjälper Nordens största retailers att komma närmare sin kund, optimera sina betalningslösningar samt öka andelen återkommande kunder. Vi är stolta över att kunna titulera oss marknadsledare inom True White label Payments.
Vi samarbetar med handlare som Boozt.com, Beijer Bygg, Bubbleroom och Vingåkers Factory Outlet m.fl.
Länder 📍
Handlare ✔
Team medlemmar 👩💻
Årlig transaktionsvolym ✌
Våra värderingar
We engage by being passionate about our business, customers and partners. We are ambitious and set aggressive goals. We lead by including others. We take responsibility. We are committed to deliver results.
We collaborate and work in teams. Collaboration is our way of developing great products and services. We collaborate within our team, with other teams and with merchants.
We create value for our cooperating merchants. We create value by always striving to be the merchant's best friend. We create value by focusing on continuous development of products, services and people.
We grow and develop – people, volume, results. Growth motivates, give us energy and drive.
We trust and respect each other. We delegate clear mandate and responsibility. We act trustworthy and transparent towards merchant and other external stakeholders.
Möt våra fantastiska medarbetare 👋🏼
Jag brinner för att skapa värde åt vara handlare
Samira Karlsson Sales Executive
Implementera mera!
Kajsa Hermansson Head of Delivery & Product Solutions
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